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Italy - overview information

Speaking of travel, the first until can come, whats each traveler spirit of country-Italy. The country was on the southern part of Europe, the slightly larger than Arizona and includes the islands of Sardinia and Sicily and enclosing completely independent nations of the Vatican City and San Marino.

The capital city of Italy (Italy) is the largest city of the country. The villas, beautiful beaches, historic architecture, wine, Winter Olympics, Ferrari and many more.The country to visit, there is some sense, some facts about the country haben.Nachfolgend for some important information about Italy.

� First, capital of the country is the largest among the cities, in fact Rome.

The population about 58 million, which is lower compared to other European countries such as France is �.

� Among of the world's largest economy was Italy in seventh place was occupying.The country's export trade helps achieve such ranking are motor vehicles, chemicals and fashion what the country house many professional clothing brands.

� The language is Italian, but English, French and German are also spoken.

� Italian, Albanian Italian and German are people who reside there.

� The famous Vatican City lives it is the Pope befindet.Mehrheit of inhabitants are Roman Catholic, similar to other European countries dedicated to.

�, the famous historical and scenic place and Pisa houses is one of Ihnen.Der Tower is popular due to its leaning structure still standing.It is located directly next to the Cathedral.It was to stand vertically in the first place, but due to the bad foundations, it gradually leans.

� In numerous cities, countries, it is very ideal to visit places like Rome, was the largest Italian city, Milan, Turin and Naples.

� That is country also known worldwide for his artistic, the houses of many artists and the place for artists, your creations to reveal.

� Climate Alpine is typically Mediterranean, in the northern part which, while the southern part is hot and dry.

� in Rome, especially in the Vatican as independent Land.Tragen shorts are strictly prohibited.

� The City developed during 170 BC.Fahrzeuge first paved streets are prohibited in fact traffic jams verursacht.Die first advocate-general products are the athletes of the Roman Gladiators. Roman laws were extremely practical.

� Early in the 1900s, discovered Prince Conti geothermal Pumpe.Damit he was known as the father of current geothermal energy.

This amazing country was animated and colorful Menschen.seit of ancient culture which is really hard to resist, Italy besuchen.Nicht surprising to the bustling Interior home, never miss the chance to visit this country most travelers.

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